Friday, May 10, 2024

Football live stream Kane on Tottenham`s goal record: To do it in a top game against one of the best teams in the world is something special

Harry Kane shared his emotions after setting a goal record for Tottenham.

The forward for the London club brought Spurs a victory over Manchester City (1:0).

Magical moment. I desperately wanted to do it in a winning match. Once we were 1-0 up, it was a matter of keeping a clean sheet.

To achieve this in front of our fans is a special moment. There was so much talk about it and I just wanted it to happen. So to do it in a top match prediction by live betting odds against one of the best teams in the world is something special.

When I started playing regularly, it never even occurred to me that I would score. I`m excited. I still have a few years left in my career, so I`ll score a few more, " Kane said.
Kane on Tottenham`s goal record: To do it in a top game against one of the best teams in the world is something special Football live stream - more details and information: Football live stream

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